"We love because he first loved us." - 1 John 4:19

Woman's Ministry

Woman's Ministry

Woman's Ministry


The Women have been playing a pivotal role in the Church. We recognize the work done by the women and pay homage to Rev. Relis F. Martin-Riley, Sis. Neva Edwards and Sis. Georgina Liburd, who are part of this historical event.

They must be commended for, among other things, steering the ship and ensuring that the life, interest and faith of the Women’s League and all women of the Church were deepened through their personal commitment to Jesus Christ and fellowship with each other.

All confirmed Methodist women in the Circuit are members of the MCCA Women and are encouraged to get involved in the activities of the MCCA Women, spiritually and financially, and more importantly in the life of the Church.

The Women’s League is still in existence in some Congregations. Others have renamed such groups “Women’s Group”.

Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry


Organized men’s group in the Circuit continued to be a challenge.  At Bethesda the men actively participated in MCCA Men’s Lords Day Activity and continue to provide support to congregational and circuit events when called upon to do so.  

They officiated and organized a panel discussion at the evening church service on Father’s Day. On the second Sunday of every month the men of Mount Wallis actively participated in the morning worship service by reading the lessons, collect the offering, and serve as ushers.

The men of the Layou Congregation observed Men’s Lord’s Day on February 24, 2014.  Bro. Steve Hyacinth of the Layou Congregation was appointed Circuit Youth Director and Bro. Earl Edwards also of that congregation was appointed Circuit Steward.   A few men of the Clifton Congregation have taken  up the mantle of organizing church activities with a view to keeping the church alive both in terms of educating its members on temporal issue and fostering good relationship with other denominations and the wider community by extension.  Following is a chronicle of the events under taken:

  • Singing as a male choir every Communion Sunday.
  • Featuring prominently in the Harvest Cantata which took place on November 14th 2013.
  • Conducting the first segment of the morning service on MCCA Men’s Lord’s Day on February 24 and participating in the Men’s Rally at Zion Methodist Church during afternoon.
  • For the observation of Heritage month two educational talks were put together. On April 15, Rev. Dr.William Watty spoke on the MCCA from the historical stand point and on April 22  &  Rev. Dr. Novelle Josiah spoke on the composition and functions of the Leeward Islands District.
Children & Youth Ministry

Children & Youth Ministry


Three young adults from the Dominica Circuit, Sis Kayle Benjamin representing the Bethesda Congregation and Bro. Devon Brewster and Sis. Kerry Ann Thomas from the Mount Wallis Congregation attended the Youth Encuentro in St. Kitts in July 2014.   From all reports the experience was very rewarding.

The Youth and Young Adults of the Mount Wallis Congregation, held a joint Christmas Concert, profits from which were donated to the church building fund for the purchase of sign for the front of the Church.   Other fundraisers included the Annual Creole breakfast and Mothers Day Cake Sale.

The Youth and Young Adults are the sponsors of the Layou Methodist Strikers Football Team.   They participated in all Congregation and Circuit activities.

The Layou Youth Group continued to be a vibrant group.   A fund raising effort was launced by using a coin box for placing loose coins.     A member of the group was appointed PRO of the Circuit Youth and Young Adults Commissions.

Members of the Bethesda Youth Fellowship engaged in varied activities for the period under review which included a weekend Youth Retreat and participation in the Christmas Pageant entitled “Do you see what I see” written and directed by Mrs. Hyacinth Josiah.

Our Mission

Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by serving our international community. --The Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas - Dominica Circuit.

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Address: Dominica Circuit
Corner of Turkey Lane & Cross Street
P.O. Box 1692 Roseau
Commonwealth of Dominica, WI

Call Us : +1 (767) 448-2998
Mail Us : secretary@dominicamethodist.org