Calibishe Congregation
Calibishie Methodist Church is a relocation of the Hampstead Methodist Church. The Hampstead Methodist Church was established to cater for persons working on the Hampstead Estate. Initially the Church consisted of members residing in the villages of Calibishie and Bense. The old Hampstead Church, which was built before the 1920’s, was used as a school for the children of the villages of Calibishie and Bense up to the 1950’s. The land was donated to the Church by the McIntyre Family who owned the Hampstead Estate. It is not certain whether there was a wooden structure on the site before the concrete structure was built. Two stalwarts of the Hampstead Methodist Church were deceased Brother Osborne Theodore, a fully accredited Preacher, and his father whom he succeeded. The work of the James Family, Mr. Eardly James and his wife, Dorcas, both deceased now, also made an impact on the congregation.
The Church was relocated in 1991 to the community of Calibishie from where the majority of the membership comes. The other members hail from Woodford Hill and there is one family from Bense. The present membership stands at twenty-nine (29). Included in that number are some youth and young adults. There are three children who belong to the Sunday School. The Calibishie Church, situated in a developing area of the Community, has the capacity to become a tower house Christian denomination in the area. The Congregational Stewards are Sister Susan George and Brother Quincy Hinds.